Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween goods2 and Soccer!

This morning we got up with nice smell of bread which was made by bread maker.

We could have fresh bread in this breakfast. It was so tasty!!

Thanks Rituko!

And we saw the add for Halloween goods were more discount than yesterday.
So I went to shopping with all of kids again.
Haruki and Minami were so happy that they were in their bed room for whole this week.
We got light eye ball, skeleton, Jack-O'-lantern and so on.

During the our shopping, Ritsuko made "Melon bread" but its taste was not melon, just looks.
Kids were so happy to eat again.

After noon, it was Lasers game day.
Today we got lot of points, 8 points.
Axel got two points!!!! Great job, Axel!
I did not get the goal but passed good ball and maybe got 3 assists.
Next week is the last game of this season.
I hope we can win and I get the more goal!

After dinner, we set up the Halloween illumination by the window which was near by the entrance door.

And the kids who do "trick or treat" will be able to see them easily.
We are looking forward to Halloween!

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