Thursday, February 05, 2009


My wife Ritsuko like cooking and especially challenging new menu.
Almost every time she make new item very good and we are looking forward to try new one.
Recently day she cooked great dish!
It was "Kimuchi", which is kind of Korean style pickle and they are very very hot and spicy.
She learned how to make it in Japan, her friend she used to live next side of us taught my wife.
But my wife did not have chance to make Kimuchi herself in Japan.
Someday we talk about "Kimuchi" which was made by her friend, we can not stop thinking it.
So, Ritsuko went to Korean food shop, and she ask store owner what kind of ingredient to need for making Kimuchi.

She got some seasoning from there.
Add these seasoning and mix with grate onion, garlic, ginger, apple and a lot of something...
Anyway she made "Kimuchi"

The taste was so great!
We can enjoy it for a while.

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