Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl party

Today it was Super Bowl game day.
I'm not familiar with American foot ball very much.
But we family love to have party and to talk with friends.

The food was very nice, especially Taiyaki was so great!
Taiyaki is looks like pan cake with anko, which is bean jam.
Thank you Takako-san.
My wife made "Ehou-maki", kind of a Sushi-roll.Usually there is 7 kind filling on that roll based on seven gods of good fortune.The 7 is happy number in Japan, China is 8 so their good gods are 8 ,what number is lucky number in U.S.A.?
It was Japanese western traditional food and it was ate in "Setsubun" :the day before setting-in spring.When you eat it, you should face in some direction with your making wish without chat. This year's direction is east-northeast.
And the game also nice but Nevada was lost...
We cheered Nevada because nearest from Idaho.
It's very simple thinking!
Anyway we had a lot of fun time with nice food and nice game!

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